Friday, February 25, 2005

Tonight's Workout (2/24/05)


I knew it was going to snow so I had already planned to miss a workout. In fact, it was snowing all day, but none of it stuck to the streets or sidewalks. When I left work I decided to go to my weigh-in and stay for the meeting at WW. The traffic in the evening was pretty light and the roads were well treated. But the further I traveled West the heavier the snow became and because the sun had already gone down the snow started accumilating on the road fast. I figured by the time I left the meeting at 8pm the streets would be to covered to drive. Plus I'm not the most confident driver when it comes to driving in snow, so I decided not to weigh-in this week.

In terms of eating, I did well today. I was only one point over my target. I'm going to Ultimate Step class tomorrow night and hopefully I can get in a run sometime this weekend.

I have a lot of homework to get through this weekend and I need to do my taxes. I haven't decided what to do about my laptop that died and hopefully if I get a decent tax return I can get a new laptop.

- Until next time


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