Monday, February 28, 2005

Tonight's Workout (2/28/05)


It snowed and I'd rather be at home then on the road when it's snowing. I'm not sure about tomorrow either. I may have an appointment w/ my hair dresser. If not I'll go running.

So, instead of going to the gym I took a stab at doing my taxes. It's looking good. If I did everything right I could use my return to get a new laptop, a flat screen monitor AND a new dishwasher. I say that now, but most likely it'll all just go in the bank and collect dust. That's what happened last year. I couldn't think of one fun thing to do with that tax return.

In terms of eating, I was over my target points today, but this is the last day of the week in my journal and overall I did pretty well. This morning the scale showed some progress, but it won't be official until my next weigh-in. Wish me luck.

- Gotta Jet


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