Saturday, January 07, 2006

Race Day - Saturday, January 7th

The big day is finally here. I woke up at 2 freaking 30 in the morning! No biggie I couldn't sleep anyway. The adrenalin was pumping. I got out of bed, got dressed and had a bagel and a yogurt smoothie for breakfast. Al, who is definitely not a morning person, struggled to wake up. But he's such a trooper. He yawned and growled his way through the morning and we managed to leave the room on time. At the bus stop we met a few other runners. Here is where we were all sure that a bus was coming through the resort to pick us up, but after 20 minutes with no bus in site, we started running to the front of the resort where there were several buses waiting to take people to the starting line. Go Figure.

So Webster defines cold as "having or being a temperature that is uncomfortably low for humans". Well, this morning at the starting area for the 2006 Disney World Half Marathon it wasn't just cold it was UNBELIEVEABLY cold. I know this because as I wondered around the area I heard people saying "I can't believe how cold it is" and "I don't believe it's ever been this cold in January" and "Can you believe they're charging us $2 for hot chocolate. That's cold." Yes, even in the starting area at 4:30 in the morning the Disney money machine was still cranking. But despite the cold, I was ready to get this show on the road. I stretched a little with the Sarge from Disney's Toy Story. Said my farewell's to Al and finally caught up with Laura and Amy (from DCFit) in the baggage claim area. We made the 20 minute walk through the cold to the starting line which had to be at least a half mile deep with people – very, very cold people. I was so glad I wore the Under Armor.

So here I am at the starting line of the 2006 Disney World Half Marathon!!! I was so excited. Here's where months of trainig will finally pay off. I couldn't wait to get started. First we sang the national anthem. "…and the home of the brave." Then we counted down the start for the wheelchair racers. "3-2-1. Yeah!!" They're off. Then the moment we've all been waiting for was upon us. At 6am the fireworks exploded and the 2006 Disney World Half Marathon had officially begun!!! Well, it officially begun for the elite runners up in front. For the rest of us the race didn’t "officially" begin until 17 minutes or so later when we finally crossed the starting line. I'm sure bythis time the elite runners were well past mile 3.

I started the race running along side Amy and Laura, who were doing 3:1 intervals because they were running the full marathon the next day and wanted to reserve their strength. Good for them. Way to plan ahead. But for me this 3:1 stuff was way too slow. So, I wished them good luck and crossed mile 1 alone. In fact, I ran alone for most of the race. Even though there were a bunch of people around me I basically settled into my 5:1 intervals and tried to… I tried to… I tried to figure out why I've been making such a big deal about this race for the last 10 months. Don't get me wrong, I love running and I love Disney World, but once I got out there I realized it was like being in any other race. We spent very little time running inside the theme parks. I saw a few characters along the way, but they weren't like major characters. And I didn't get my picture taken anywhere. Apparently, there were photographers along the course but they all must have been on break when I ran by. Most of the course took us out on long stretches of highway that connected Epcot and the Magic Kingdom. The bright spots were when I saw Al cheering me on in the crowd at not one but two points along the course. Kudos to him for navigating the monorail and the freezing cold so early in the morning to watch me run. And I ran very well, much better then I expected considering the fact that it’s been over 3 months since the last time I ran 13.1 miles.

Here are my race stats.

- 6:17:08 AM 10 Mile - 2:27:12 Finish - 2:54:18
Chip Time - 2:54:18 Clock - 3:09:54 Pace - 13:17 min/mile

- 8432 Gender - 4696 Division - 793

To my surprise I ran the last 3.1 miles in 27 minutes. That's about an 8.7min/mile! I've never ran that fast before. Also keep in mind that the first mile was really slow, I walked through all the water stops and I took a 10 minute bathroom break. So, my average pace would have been under 13 min/mile in ideal conditions. But I wanted to finish in under 3 hours and I did it!!! Yeah me!!!

At the finish line I got my medal. It was Donald Duck. Not the Mickey Mouse one in all the ads. Mickey is only if you finish the full marathon. So, now they tell me. Either way it's pretty cool medal. I also got a bottle of water, a few orange slices and a Mylar blanket to keep me warm. While I waited for Al, Becky called to congratulate me and invited us to her hotel for breakfast. That was really nice of her. After breakfast we went back to Downtown Disney to get a cake. The cake I really wanted was on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom, but I didn't want to pay $63 entrance fee for a cake. So, I ended up with a Banana Fosters from the Rainforest Café. We took it back to the hotel and chowed down. It was soooo good. But it melted pretty quickly and I couldn't force myself to finish it. Once satisfied, Al and I both fell asleep around 2:30 in the afternoon.

That evening we wanted to go to Epcot to see the fireworks, but the $63 entrance fee was making that mission impossible. So, we were on our way to the Boardwalk to watch it from there when we started talking to another couple that ran the half marathon this morning and they invited us to watch the fireworks with them on their boat!! Now that's Disney magic. All-in-all a magical end to a magical journey.

So until next time, this is Run Valerie signing off.

Friday, January 06, 2006

1 Day and Counting – Friday, January 6th

Oh my Gawd. One more day. Tomorrow I'll be running in the biggest race of my life. What does one do the day before a big race? Sleep. That's right I slept in. Although I originally work up at 7am, I forced myself the stay in bed until 9am. When I finally got up we dressed and went to Sanford, Fl to visit Al's aunt.

Al's aunt is so cool. She's retired with a PhD in education and has participated in a lot of exciting adventures. Stuff like going on safari in Africa, mountain climbing in Peru, touring Europe, cycling and some other cool stuff. She currently does arts and crafts out of her home, mostly painting and decorating gourds. She took us to a restaurant near a lake that had alligators in it and we ordered the gator nuggets. Gators taste like a cross between fish and chicken. It wasn't bad, but because it was actual alligator I couldn't savor the flavor. After lunch Al's Aunt took us to the Blue Springs Park to see the Manatees. I didn't know what a manatee was before we went there. They are these slow moving mammals that sort of resemble walruses. And I got to see them up close and personal. I thought that was really cool.

After leaving Sanford, Al and I went to City Walk outside of Universal Studios. Earlier that day Al's Aunt told us that this weekend will be the coldest it's been in Orlando in 19 years. We were able to experience this record breaking cold first hand as we wandered around City Walk and ate dinner at this open air restaurant. I don't think folks in Orlando ever thought that it would get windy or cold because a lot of their eating establishments are open air venues that are sealed off by garage doors or plastic tarps. Al left his coat in the car and I was shivering. So we hurried up and ate then headed back to the hotel. I'll check out the rides at Universal some other time.

Back at the hotel Al did his best to find information about spectator viewing locations. For a race as big as the Disney Half marathon, they really don't make it easy for spectators to watch the race. Either he got up and got on the bus at 4am with the runners or he was SOL. So, once that was settled we both went to bed early with all alarms set for a 2:30am wake up call.

- Sweet Dreams

Thursday, January 05, 2006

2 Days and Counting – Thursday, January 5th

Wow after months of training, I finally made it to Disney World!!! Well, at least I made it to Orlando International Airport. At the rental car counter I gave the reservations guy a hard time because even though everything was paid for up front he said he needed to charge me airport tax. I'm thinking he's making this up. Doesn't the package deal include airport taxes? But he said that reservations made through vacation packages do not include airport taxes, which was a total of $47. Yikes. Next time I'll leave the rental car out of he package and find a deal on my own.

So we finally get to the resort and I gave the woman at the check-in desk a hard time. Why should the guy at the rental car counter have all the fun? I specifically reserved a non-smoking king and they checked me into a non-smoking double. But a room is a room. I really wasn't going to make a big deal about it, because we were a little tired. After all I've been giving people a hard time all day. Plus Al and I played 3 games of Su Doku on the way from Dulles airport and we were exhausted. Despite our mental fatigue we found the room, had a bite to eat at the hotel and headed to the expo.

Something to note about Disney World... they hire a lot of retired people. I guess retirees head south for the winter and need something to do during the day, so they end up working for Disney. Almost every other Disney employee that we encountered was basking in the sunset of their lives. This included the 60-something grandma that accosted Al and I as we attempted to bypass her at the check-in table on our way to the registration booth. After we managed to get passed grandma gatekeeper, I got my bib number, my timing chip, my oversized shirt and my disappointing goodie bag, which was full of pamphlets and brochures for other races. The only actual goodies were a Clif bar and a pack of Tylenol 8 Hour, which came in handy around mile 4. Then we wandered around the expo for a while. The expo wasn't too bad, but I've seen better. I ended up buying some GU, some socks and a luggage tag. Al bought a bunch of stuff including a pair of shoes. After we left the expo, I decided we should go for a run. I discovered the lake in the center of the resort had a path around it. We ran 3 loops around the lake and walked the final loop. We came back to the room, showered and had dinner at the same place where we ate lunch. We came back to the room and watched TV until we fell asleep. The big day is almost here. I'm really starting to get pumped.

- Happy Trails

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

3 Days and Counting - Wednesday, January 4th

After weeks and weeks of training, tomorrow I'll be heading to Orlando, Fl to compete in the Disney World Half Marathon!!! Yeah!!! The marathon starts this Saturday morning at 6am. If you want to track me live go to this website and enter Bid# 25237

Disney World Half Marathon - Live Results

Unfortunately, unless I run with a camera the only pictures that I'll get are the official ones taken by Disney. But I'll probably buy a few of those and send them out to folks.

Check back here for a post race recap when I return.

Wish me luck,
- Valerie

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

4 Days and Counting - Tuesday, January 3rd

I didn't workout today, but I did go to work. A few people told me my hair looked cute. The rest didn't make any comments. But that's OK. I didn't think my short hair style was going to make the 5 o'clock news. Also everyone returned from vacation today so we were pretty swamped.

Gee, four days. It's almost here. I need to finish... I mean... start packing.

- Later

Monday, January 02, 2006

5 Days and Counting - Monday, January 2nd

Wow, just 5 days left!!! And I didn't workout today. Since it was a holiday I went shopping and cleaned up around the house. I need to start packing. Instead I watched the Biggest Loser marathon and did some laundry. I remember in DC Fit they said that you shouldn't run the week before the race. Just rest, relax and drink lots of water. I may do that, but Al convinced me that I need to run sometime this week. Maybe Wednesday, because Thursday we leave for Disney. I wonder if he'll make me run when we get to the resort? Hmmmmm... We'll see.

On a more encouraging note… I'm 2 days into the New Year and I haven't broken any resolutions yet. Go Valerie!!!

- Later Dudes

Sunday, January 01, 2006

6 Days and Counting - Sunday, January 1st

Happy New Year!!!

No workout today. I spent a quiet New Year's Day with my mom. She made lunch and we took down the Christmas decorations. Needless to say she's not too crazy about my new hair, but her opinion about hair and fashion don't really count considering she hasn't done anything with her hair or wardrobe in nearly a decade. I spent the evening reading Jeff Galloway's "Marathon: You Can Do It" and John Bingham's "No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running". I was trying to gain some last minute advice and pointers.

- Stay Out of Trouble