Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tonight's Workout (3/7/05)


I pulled a double whammy tonight. I did 45 minutes of step class. Then skipped the cool down, stretch and abs to get in some running. I ran/walked 2.0 miles in 31 minutes!! Then finished up w/ a little lower body strength training.

- Step Class (45 min)
- Treadmill (31 min/ 2.0 miles)
Strength Training
- Leg Curls (2x10 @ 50lbs)
- Leg Extension (2x10 @ 50lbs)
Lots of Stretching

I'm training at 4.2 mph (14:30 minute mile) now. I think this is a pretty good pace to work with for a while. I was starting feeling like a hippo in slow motion at 4.0 mph (15 minute mile). But now I need to get back to working on distance. Running 2-3 miles each time isn't going to cut it in a 10K. But after 45 minutes of stepping and 30 minutes of running, my knees needed a break. I probably could have ran farther if I didn't do the step class first. BTW, Ronya had a new routine tonight that was actually a little challenging. Go Ronya!! It's about freakin' time.

When the weather gets better I'm hoping to do more running outside. I really need to do more road work. It's much harder than the treadmill. I knew when I started training there were 2 things I ultimately refuse to do: 1. Getting up early to workout before going to work and 2. Working out outside in the cold. After that everything else is negotiable.

Because of my double whammy workout I managed to be under my target points by 6 today. Yeah!!

Although I'm suppose to go to book club, tomorrow I'm going to skip it and go to spinning class. It's a very good low impact workout and I didn't read the book. :-(

- Later. Gotta Run or Spin.


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