Wednesday, March 16, 2005

This Weekend's Workout (3/4/04 - 3/6/05)


Friday Night...

First I want to start by saying that now that I've got the hang of it, Ultimate Step Class is a real ass kicker. This class is constant high energy movement from start to finish. You can literally sweat your ass off in this class or die trying. Lesser people usually bail somewhere right after the warm-up. Other intermediate hopefuls make it through the first combination then realize that they may be in way over their heads and finally there's the professionals. Yes, I'm now one of them, because unlike my previous attempts, on Friday night I made it through each combination without tripping myself up, being in the wrong place at the wrong time or making up my own steps. In the end I was drenched in sweat but very happy.

- Ultimate Step (60 minutes)

I celebrated by going to Taco Bell. I made the mistake of ordering the second most fattiest thing on their menu, the Nachos Bell Grande (BTW the taco salad is the fattiest thing on the menu). But I left off the beans, sour cream and guacamole and I only ate 2/3 of it mostly cheese and nachos before throwing out the rest. Even with that I only went over my target by 2 points.


I was suppose to go running with the Vegas on Saturday morning, but my ankles were still a little sore from Ultimate Step class the night before and I hate running in the cold anyway. I know... Excuses, Excuses. Anyway, I decided to sleep in and run later.

Later on I went to Target to get headphones for my iPod. I think this is the 3rd set since I stepped on my good headphones a while back. After Target, I was heading to my gym, WSC, when I decided I was too lazy to drive out any of the clubs in MD or DC, so I decided to workout at the gym on campus. The gym on campus is really nice. Since I'm an alumni I can use if for $5 a day. However, I've been spoiled by towel service at WSC. So I didn't have a towel and I really needed one. I did the elliptical for 30 minutes and I was dripping in sweat. I decided instead of running I would just call it a day. I just wanted to get out and do something type of workout even if it was just 30 minutes on the elliptical. Plus being on campus made me kind of sad. I think being around all the young hopeful people made me miss my college days.

- Elliptical (30 minutes)

When I got home, my mom made lunch. She likes to cook, but I'm noticing she has no concept of the WW way of preparing food. Eating at my mom's is definitely a diet trap. She's always trying to get me to eat stuff I shouldn't eat. Then gets upset when I say no thanks. But she's going to have to deal with it.


No workout. I went to church (Yawn). Then went to the movies. I saw "Hitched". I think Kevin James was the real star of that movie. Then I went to Dinner w/ Roxane. I had the grilled Chicken kabob w/ flat bread and a diet soda. I couldn't find Kabob in the WW food bible so I over guesstimated on it. I'm forcing Roxane to come to a WW meeting w/ me this week. Since she's forcing me to go to an endocrine specialist I think it's a fair trade off.

- Until next time...To Infinity and Beyond


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