This Week's Workout (5/16/05 - 5/22/05)
This was a good week for workouts. I did a lot less socializing than last week, so I was able to stick to my workout schedule. Unfortunately my journaling is still falling out of focus. For the most part I'm trying to stay within my points, but w/o the journaling I can't be 100% sure. So, here's how my week went...
Monday, May 16th, 2005
Workout - OK
I decided to go to Ronya's step class instead of running. I wanted to run the Crescent Trail on Tuesday. So I figured I'd take it easy and do step to gear up for running the following day. The class felt extremely easy. Even after adding in the high impact moves, I only felt slightly fatigued. I may add another riser to my step if this keeps up.
Tuesday, May 17th, 2005
Workout – Great
I ran 4 miles along the Crescent Trail in Georgetown. I ran from the Georgetown Park Mall to Fletcher's Boat House and back in 1:15 intervals. It was a great day for running and I like the Crescent trail because it's a soft dirt trail right along the water. You could walk into the canal if you wanted to. Plus because it's dirt, there aren't that many cyclists zooming by like there are on the Mount Vernon trail and the scenery is very nice. On my way back I passed a family of ducks on the edge of the canal. There were 4 adult ducks and a bunch of cute little baby ducks. As I walk by each of the adult ducks lowered their heads and made this hissing noise warning me to stay off their turf. I thought this is something I would have never seen if I didn’t start running.
Wednesday, May 18th, 2005
Workout – None
I went to this Pre-Dating thing where you meet and chat with a bunch of guys for 6 minutes each. If you like them then you indicate that you want to get together again. If they say the same about you then you're a match and the coordinators send you their information. I met 8 guys, listed 6 as people that I want to chat with again and out of those 6 I matched with 5. So, far only one of them has called me. I need to stop being so indifferent and give the other guys a call.
Thursday, May 19th, 2005
Workout – Great
Because it was kind of a gloomy day I decided to run indoors on the treadmill. I ran the entire 5K distance (3.1 miles) without walking for a total time of 41:33! Yeah!!!! Then I did a lot of stretching. I think I’m ready to up my pace from 4.5-minute mile to 4.7 or 4.8.
Friday, May 20th, 2005
Workout – None
Because I had such a great run the day before and I was going to run the following day. I took a break. I did a little reading and a little studying then went to bed.
Saturday, May 21st, 2005
Workout – OK
Today was the 5 mile long run with DCFit. Our group ran / walked in 4/1 intervals. I skipped the first walk break and stayed w/ the group until after the first hill where I burned a good chunk of my energy. I ran / walked (more walked) across the 14th street Bridge where super runner, Coach Joe, ran past me on his way back to the finish line. I somehow managed to catch up w/ Coach Irene who probably slowed down to wait for stragglers like me. We ran together for a while and turned around at the monument where I took another break to drink some water. So, she went on ahead. I found a partner who walked with me back to the 14th Street Bridge where Coach Joe was about to pass me again on his way back from the finish line. When I saw him coming we faked like we had been running and then ended up running across the entire length of the bridge. I caught up to and passed Coach Irene on the bridge. On the other side of the bridge I kept running until I got to a long steady incline along the river. With the wind adding extra resistance I decided to walk it. Of course Coach Irene passed me again. When I got to the top of the hill to start running again, my legs felt sooooo heavy. I wanted to run! I wasn't winded. My heart wasn't pounding. I didn't feel that tired, but my legs were not going to cooperate, so I walked. I finally convinced my legs to run the last half-mile to the finish line. But overall I was not happy w/ my time. I was into the 17:10 min/mile area. The steep / long hills really killed me and the long walks didn't help either. And that was only 5 miles!!! In the schedule we’ll be running twice that distance on a regular basis. I'll definitely have to put more emphasis on hills during my weekly runs. Or else I'm going to have to join the Orange Team, which is geared towards race walkers.
Sunday, May 22nd, 2005
Workout – None
This is a mandatory rest day for DCFit. It gives the muscles a day to recover. So, I went to visit my nephew because his birthday is on Monday. I gave him a new bike. We had cake. Then I went home to finish my assignment for class and pig out in front of the TV for the rest of the day.
BTW, due to scheduling conflicts I didn't weigh-in this week. But based on my scale at home, I'm down 2lbs. Yeah!!
What I've been reading….
I've been reading the book entitled "Marathoning for Mortals". It's a pretty good book geared towards people who have never run before. They stress things like don't push yourself too hard. Don't try to finish a race under a certain time – Just finish. Don’t sign up for a race then train. Don't expect to be ready to run a marathon in X months. One of the authors didn't make it past the first mile in his first marathon. Then he explains everything he did wrong leading up to the race. This is a very good book for me because now I don’t feel so bad about bowing out of running a 10K w/ the Vagas. Each of them had running in their background. I was the only one who just got off the couch one day and decided that I could run a 10K in 3 months. It took 3 months just for my shin splints to go away.
For Next Week....
I have no social events planned for this week. So, I'm hoping to stick to the following schedule.
5/23 - Run 4.0 - 5.0 miles
5/24 - Spin/ Strength Training
5/25 - Run 4.0 - 5.0 miles
5/26 – Rest/ WW Weigh-in
5/27 - Ultimate Step Class
5/28 - DCFit Long Run (6.0 miles)
5/29 - Rest.
Races that I'm registered for or planning to register for....
6/4 - Race for the Cure 5K (Registered)
9/11 - Fairlakes 8K (Planning.)
9/24 - Quantico Half Marathon (DCFit is participating in this race, so I'm considering it.)
10/2 - Army 10 Miler (Maybe. The Vagas are talking about registering for this race. So, I'll probably do it too.)
10/16 - Oy Vay 10K (This may be my last chance to fulfill my New Year's Resolution of running in a 10K, but not if I run the ATM.)
10/30 - Marine Corps 8K (Although it's not the Marathon, I'm thinking of doing this fund-raiser in order to participate in the 8K.)
And the big one...
1/7 - Walt Disney World Half Marathon (Registered)